Sunday, November 4, 2012

Lazy Dog

Frederick's favorite thing in the world to do is sleep, especially in our bed. When we first brought him home the bed was off limits. We wanted to keep some part of our home for ourselves. With in a few days though I realized all he wanted to do was snuggle and I didn't want to lay on the floor so the rule kinda just went away.
One of the first pictures once he was allowed on the bed

Every since then all Frederick wants to do is snuggle. Of course he will play occasionally but he likes sleeping way more than playing fetch.

This is what a pit bull is. They just want to be loved. They wont be happy tied up or left outside all the time. They want to be near their humans. Frederick literally wants to be touching us almost always.

Laying on my stomach
Wants to be as close as possible

Laying with me while I study 

I am so thankful for Frederick and the way he changed my view on dogs especially pit bulls. When I see DR and Frederick together I realize just how lucky I am to have this little one in my life.

1 comment:

  1. Frederick is adorable and I love your blog! My 11 month old pit bull is sleeping on my lap as I type this comment. It is nice to see someone else who has been lucky enough to have a pit bull bless their life and is working to spread the truth about these wonderful dogs. I am a law school student and getting a pit bull has been the best thing my boyfriend of five years and I have done. Keep up the good work on this blog! -Katie
