Thursday, November 1, 2012

How it Started

Growing up I was never a fan of dogs, or any animals in fact. I thought they were smelly and slobbery. I was scared of them. My mom says its because when I was 3 I had two dogs knock me down and roll all over me, before I used to say they had "attacked" me. Looking back now they probably just wanted to play but I guess it scared me.

So about a year and a half ago when my boyfriend ( we will call him DR) started bugging me about getting a dog I laughed. I told him maybe someday when we had kids but not now. I had never wanted a dog. For his birthday that year I took him to the local animal shelter though just to look around. They had just gotten in a litter of 4 pit bull puppies... They were the cutest things I had ever seen. That's the first time we met "Spanky". We fell in love immediately. We took him out to play and my heart melted so we turned in an application and left wondering if they would call. It took them 5 minutes for them to call and approve us.

We came home excited to get him in a few days. We were also wondering what we had gotten ourselves into. Neither one of us had really ever been around puppies let alone a pit bull. My mom was a nurse in an ER for awhile and all I had ever heard about pit bulls was how dangerous they were. So we went out and bought some books to teach us not only about puppies but pit bulls. I am so thankful that we were smart enough to educate ourselves before he came home.

The day we picked "Spanky" up was exciting. We were nervous but thrilled. The second we got him we changed his name I couldn't imagine calling out "Spanky" every time I wanted him to come to me. DR had always said he wanted to name him first son Frederick....( I think/hope it was a joke) I was not a huge fan of this name so I figured if we named the puppy this then we couldn't name our child that right? I must say it was a  perfect name. We get comments on it all the time. After we picked him up we drove right to the pet store to pick up supplies. Frederick loved the car ride and all the attention. He was immediately loved by everyone we met.

The day we brought Frederick home 8 weeks old

It doesn't seem like it has been over a year. I cant imagine my life without Frederick. He wants nothing more than to be near us. We knew when we got him that we had to teach him not to be aggressive. We knew that because of his breed, any sign of aggressive behavior could be fatal. We knew that people would judge him by what he looks like and not who he is. Sometimes I think we tried too hard to make him non aggressive because now, he is a bit of a pansy. But I couldn't love him more. He brought so much joy and happiness to our lives and turned us into a family. I wish everyone could experience the love that a pit bull can bring into your life.

10 weeks old - car ride
Pure innocence 9 weeks old

So that is what this blog is for. To show and to educate everyone I can about the true nature of a pit bull that is brought up in a loving home. They are not the scary and aggressive animals that many people believe. They are some of the most lovable creatures ever. All they want to do is please you and be your best friend. I hope you enjoy reading our story. Leave your comments along the way!


  1. Lovely educational blog, Shawna. I wish more people felt as you do about Pit Bulls. I do not have one myself as my husband is one of those people who believe all the bad hype he hears about them. I am, however, a firm supporter of the Breed and making people aware of this beautiful dog's true nature. Maybe one day I'll have the privilege of saying I am loved by a "Pittie" of my very own. Frederick is gorgeous!!! You are so fortunate.
    Best regards,
    Patricia Connolly

  2. Thank you for that. It is truly a blessing to have Frederick in our lives.
