Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Apartment Life

Sorry its been awhile folks we moved last month and its been hectic. We went from a house with a huge backyard to an apartment to try and save money... the puppies don't like the small space and no backyard. They end up playing on our bed because there really just isn't any space.

Lucky for us both my mom and my boyfriends mom allow us to bring them over and use their backyards. Good thing Violet and Frederick get along with their dogs. 
With living in an apartment for the next 6 months at least I could use any suggestions on how to make life a little easier also on housebreaking in an apartment for Violet.
THANKS! As always comments are welcome!


  1. You should get a crate to housebreak. I used to deplore the idea of crating a dog, but once they become accustomed to the crate, it will become their "safe place." Teach them that the crate is a positive place by always tossing a good treat into the crate to lure the dog into it. Sometimes you might have to put the dog in the crate and then give treat, but eventually, dog will run right into the crate anytime he thinks there is a treat forthcoming. I put covers over the crates so they only have the front to see out and they love their crates now oftentime going into them voluntarily to nap during the day or sleep at night. Never shove the dog into the crate as punishment. The crate should be their happy place! Start feeding dog in crate and leave for 20-30 minutes after eating. Then immediate take dog out for a walk. Dog will learn to go out every time he comes out of crate. This works like a dream (IF you are consistent)! Whenever I leave the house for more than 30 minutes or so, I crate all the ones that are most likely to void inside or chew up my computer wires. You can also cut a piece of plywood to fit the top of the crate to put under the cover and then you have a useful countertop and can put the crate next to a chair/couch,by the door, etc. and it's not just taking up space. Good luck!

  2. Thanks! Both of our dogs are crate trained and they are fine when we're not home we started that with Frederick when we first got him. With Violet the problem is that now that we live in an apartment she gets distracted when we go out so we will take her out and then a lot of times no matter how long I wait outside with her she won't go but as soon as we come back in she goes because there isn't any cars or birds inside to distract her.
